Please submit payment below for number of players registered, and sponsorship opportunities! If you prefer to pay by check, please mail to:
Golf TLC
1232 Apache St
Athens TN 37303
Golf TLC
1232 Apache St
Athens TN 37303
- $2500 Gold Sponsor- includes 4 golfers, yard sign, acknowledgment at lunch
- $2000 Beverage Cart Sponsor- Includes your logo on the drink tickets, yard sign
- $3000 Beverage Hole Sponsor- Includes a bar on a select hole. You can chat with golfers and give them a drink
- $3000 Lunch Sponsor- Sponsor lunch, banner, talking opportunity at lunch
TDT Closest to the Pin Sponsor- SOLD OUT
- $2000 Closest to the Pin Sponsors- includes sign at hole, set up a booth at the hole, includes prize
- $2000 Longest Drive Sponsors- includes sign at hole, set up a booth at the hole, includes prize
TDT Breakfast Sponsor- SOLD OUT
- $1500 Breakfast sponsor – Sponsor lunch, banner
- $1500 Manned Hole Sponsor- Includes booth at a select hole
- $500 Hole Sponsor- yard sign at a hole