IRONMAN Golf Event Entry Fee
This is good for one entry into the Golf Tournament. It includes green fees, practice balls, cart, lunch, prizes and fun!
IRONMAN Foursome Golf Event Entry Fee
This is good for four entries into the Golf Tournament. It includes green fees, practice balls, cart, lunch and prizes.
IRONMAN 50/50 Cash Split Drawing- 5 Tickets
(if your ticket is drawn you get to keep 50% of the total cash take). Good for 5 Luckytickets!
IRONMAN Par-Tee Game Package!
Participate in 3 AMAZING games, win tons of prizes,AND you receive 2 complimentary golf clubs JUST FOR PARTICIPATING! PSST... you don't have to be a good golfer to win!
IRONMAN Mulligan Bag
Mulligan Bag – includes 2 mulligan cards, a 2 ft twine to move ball closer to hold on green and a raffle ticket!
• Receive highest level of sponsorship recognition
• speak at event during lunch
• Signage at 6 tees
• Recognition on Facebook and Instagram pages and during lunch at event
• Golf foursome, lunch, logo on sign at course hole and in event program brochure
• This sponsor's company name will be recognized on all golf carts the day of the tournament.
• Golf foursome and lunch
IRONMAN Lunch Sponsor
• Recognition on Facebook and Instagram pages, Signs at lunch tables and in program brochure, Golf foursome and lunch
IRONMAN Hole Sponsor + Foursome
• Golf fees for four, logo on sign at course hole and in program brochure